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Malazan Wiki

Sergeant Trench was a Falari exile[1] and part of the First Induction of the Crimson Guard.

In Return of the Crimson Guard

Trench was with the Guard when they besieged the warlock Shen's fortress atop the Spur in Bael. He joined Greymane's force that broke into the Spur's central staircase where they confronted Shen directly.[2]

With the end of the Diaspora, Trench's company returned to Stratem. There, he was part of a squad sent to reconnoiter the Guard's assembly point at Fortress Haven in anticipation of Lieutenant Skinner's arrival.[3]

The reunited Guard then invaded Unta, the Malazan imperial capital, before moving deeper into Quon Tali. At the subsequent Battle of the Plains, Trench worked closely with Shimmer relaying her orders to the ranks.[4]

Notes and references
