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Seren Pedac [Sair-en Peh-dak][1] was the former lover of Hull Beddict, and a Letherii Acquitor.

In Midnight Tides

She fell in love with Trull Sengar before his exile from the Tiste Edur.

In Reaper's Gale

Please come back by meonika

Seren and Trull by Meonika

She and Trull were reunited and she eventually carried his child.

In Dust of Dreams

She was visited by Bugg who revealed that her son would play an important role in the years to come as the Knight of Shadow, a role he inherited from his father.

During Fiddler's reading of the Deck of Dragons, Bugg summoned Ursto Hoobutt and Pinosel, Elder Gods of beer and wine, to her home. They protected her unborn child from being ensnared by the chaotic forces released by the reading, but spontaneously combusted from the effort. Bugg noted they would "probably be back."

In The Crippled God

Udinaas sought her out to help find a home for the displaced Bentract Imass from the Refugium.


"Destiny is a lie. Destiny is justification for atrocity. It is the means by which murderers armour themselves against reprimand. It is a word intended to stand in place of ethics, denying all moral context."
―Seren Pedac[src]

Notes and references
