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Chillbais was a small demon with stony eyes and needle fangs who served Baruk.[1] Among his kin, he was a giant--heavy as a badger, with sculpted muscles beneath a prickly hide.[2] His leathery wings were very nearly too small to provide any lift, yet he was able to fly.[3] He was even more squat and obese than Kruppe, causing him to waddle, and his head was bald and knobbled.[4] His hands were stubby.[5] He could stretch his mouth into an impossibly broad grin.[6]

Chillbais did not get along with Crone, calling her a "grotesque monstrosity"[7] and an "oily black-tarred hen."[8] He was capable of sitting motionless and watchful for months at a time.[9]

In Toll the Hounds[]

Baruk kept Chillbais on a monthslong vigil in an ash tree on Coll's estate, looking for anything at all of interest going on at the Finnest House.[10] He returned to his master with news that Vorcan Radok had escaped. The Great Raven Crone was with Baruk and she and Chillbais insulted each other until the High Alchemist put a stop to it. Baruk told Chillbais to find somewhere to be until called, whereupon the demon clambered into the fireplace and disappeared up the chimney.[11]

Chillbais continued to squabble with Crone until her visit ended. When Vorcan Radok appeared at Baruk's estate, the High Alchemist quickly sent Chillbais to return with Derudan. The demon again used the fireplace to exit.[12]

Preparing for the return of the Tyrant to Darujhistan, Baruk bargained with Hinter in an attempt to secure the ghost's neutrality. The High Alchemist agreed to assign one of his servants to watch Hinter's Tower and sound the alarm if anyone made a move to enslave him. Hinter knew of the demon and was not pleased at Baruk's choice.[13]

As beings of power converged on Darujhistan, Chillbais was perched in a niche of the city's southern gate where he could sense the arrival of the Hounds of Shadow in the distance.[14] On the last night of the Gedderone Fête, the Hounds and other arriving powers wreaked havoc in the city and the demon shook uncontrollably as it tracked the arrival of the one named Traveller. His first attempt at flying off to tell his master that Dassem Ultor had appeared ended with panic amongst the crowds fleeing the city as Chillbais performed an impromptu crash landing. Samar Dev and Karsa Orlong spotted the demon as they entered the city in Traveller's wake.[15]

In Orb Sceptre Throne[]

On a visit to Baruk, Kruppe fed Chillbais a rare blind albino cave fish from the deserts of the Jhag Odhan, pilfered from the stores of the High Alchemist, which Chillbais snapped up eagerly. Baruk accused Kruppe of bribing and suborning his servants.[16]

Chillbais informed Baruk of the Tyrant's arrival.[17]

Baruk set Chillbais free prior to the arrival of the Tyrant. Fearful of getting ensnared by another, Chillbais hid in a clothes chest situated in the tallest tower of Baruk's grounds.[18]

After the Tyrant was defeated, Baruk dragged himself back to the tower on his estate. Chillbais found him and administered the content of a silver flask which returned Baruk to his senses.[19]


"He is here! He is here! Dassem Ultor is here! Can I leave now?"
―Chillbais to Baruk, his master[src]
"Chillbais … what have you done to the place?"
―Baruk upon regaining his senses[src]

Notes and references[]
