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Malazan Wiki

Esk was a Lieutenant in Urusander's Legion. She was a tall and willowy woman.[1]

In Fall of Light[]

Esk was among the three hundred Legion soldiers under the command of Hallyd Bahann tasked with capturing Sharenas Ankhadu. Following her trail into the Youth Forest, they encountered stiff resistance from the Deniers. Thinking the Deniers incapable of organising on their own and running short of supplies, Bahann sought a convenient scapegoat. Upon Lieutenant Esk's suggestion, he commanded his forces to sack the nearby Yannis and Yedan monasteries.[2]

Esk's squad was tasked with penetrating the defenses of the Yannis Monastery. She posed as a traveller seeking sanctuary and murdered the two monks and child manning the monastery's gatehouse. She then left Corporal Paralandas and Pryll behind to secure the entryway and instructed Sergeant Telra and her squad to burn down the monks' barracks. Then Esk, Billat, and Rathadas made their way to the main house where Higher Grace Derran kept her rooms.[2]

Inside, Esk murdered an old man sleeping in the main hall. She chided Billat and Rathadas for being horrified when they recognised the man as Father Skelenal. Moving upstairs, they encountered Derran's bodyguard who quickly and easily killed all three.[2]

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