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Map Capustan


Map Genabackis from Memories of Ice

Genabackis at the time of the Pannion War

Capustan Texture 9

Capustan model by Corporal Nobbs aka Luktarig

Capustan was a large city on the north side of the river Catlin[1] in the eastern region of Genabackis. Capustan was built on an ancestral Barghast burial ground.

The ancient city was founded by the once nomadic Capan tribes who had gathered in the area for trade and eventually become sedentary. The city itself was divided into districts known as Camps. These camps were distinct, self-contained settlements, usually circular, with a private open area at the central hub. Itkovian thought them remnants of the original tribal encampments. They were divided from each other by by wide uneven spaces which were treated as streets. The only area which did not conform to this layout was the Temple District. It was located at the centre of Capustan surrounding the Thrall, an old Daru keep now home to The Mask Council, and maintained a Daru-style grid layout.[2]

The city's architecture was plain and unpainted. It was said that the beauty of Capustan lay in its people, the Capans who wore the bright colours of their kin and the latter arriving Daru who clung to their own styles and ornamentation.[2]

Two of Capustan's largest buildings predated the city's founding and had been built by unknown hands. An ancient thick-walled keep against the city's southeast wall had been abandoned for nearly a century before being used as a barracks for the Grey Swords. Overshadowing it nearby was Jelarkan's Palace, ancestral home to the city's princes. It was an alien structure built of grey stone in a confusing collection of chaotic planes, angles, and overhangs. Its thin unprotected walls, lack of windows or flat rooftops, and single entrance gate made it a poor defensive fortification. But its imposing presence made it attractive as a symbol of rule. Generations of princes has added some protective features, such as guardhouses near the entrance, but the walls were too weak to be added to. The stone of the palace itself rejected attempts to take mortar resulting in the collapse of additions.[2]

The city was surrounded by mortarless walls of weathered stone topped by merloned battlements. Four gates provided entrance to the city in cardinal directions. The southern and eastern approaches to the city were guarded by two fortified brick redoubts, East Watch and South Watch, placed on low hills.[2]


The main faith of Capustan was that of the God Fener, who later returned to mortal form. Fener was also known as the "Boar of Summer" and God of War.

The Mask Council

The Mask Council was a council of priests representing the temples of fourteen ascendants in Capustan.[3] Each temple maintained its own private company of well-trained and well-equipped soldiers numbering 3000 in total.[4] The Council was based in the Thrall.

Funerary customs

The Capan buried their dead upright in sun-fired mud columns inscribed with spiral incisions. The effect resembled a forest and was meant to allow freedom of movement to the spirits of the once nomadic people. Daru cremated their dead and placed them in stone urns.[2]

Capustan final1 bak

Capustan model by Corporal Nobbs

Attitudes towards women

Women were prohibited from the art of war and were not accepted within the city's fighting forces. Additionally, second- and third-born daughters were often discarded and cast into the streets to fend for themselves.[2]

Important people in Capustan

Camps and Districts

  • Daru District[5]
  • Nildar Camp[5]
  • North Temple District[5]
  • Senar Camp
  • Temple District[6]
  • Tular Camp
  • Ulden Camp[5]

Notable locations

  • Arch[5]
  • Bauchelain's estate
  • Daru House[7]
  • East Gate (or Port Road Gate)[5]
  • East Inside Tower
  • East Watch Redoubt
  • Grey Sword Barracks
  • Gruntle's tenement
  • Inside Barracks
  • Jelarkan's Palace
  • Jhebar Tower
  • Keruli's home
  • Lektar House (or Lestari House)[8]
  • Ne'ror Tower (or Ne'rok Tower)[5]
  • North Barracks
  • North Gate
  • Port Road Gate (or East Gate)[5]
  • South Gate
  • South Watch Redoubt
  • The Thrall
  • West Barracks
  • West Gate
  • West Inside Tower

Streets and Concourses

  • Calmanark Alley[5]
  • Daru Spear[5]
  • Daru Street[5]
  • Inner Square
  • Inside Port Street[5]
  • Jelarkan Concourse
  • Kilsban Way[5]
  • New East Market Concourse
  • New North Market Concourse
  • New West Market Concourse
  • Old Daru Street[5]
  • Shadows Street[5]
  • Tular Concourse[5]
  • Tura'l Concourse

The Pannion War

Capustan water 2ME

Capustan (watercolour) by Corporal Nobbs

In the 1164th year of Burn's Sleep, the advancing Pannion Domin threatened to engulf Capustan. High Fist Dujek Onearm and Caladan Brood formed a fragile alliance to help save the 'doomed' city.

Notes and references
